Hi Everybody we have a new badge for the season for our meme "Window Views and doors too." If you'd like to use it just right click on it and save it to your computer.
I took a lot of pictures of Grace Episcopal Church in City Island, Bronx, N.Y. If you go to the web site you'll see they photo-shopped all the electrical wires out of the photo. Big job!
As you can see it's a lovely church. But it was locked that day - a Sunday!
Join us and sign Mr. Linky if you are participating and also leave a comment. I'll try to get around to visit you this week.
Wow! The door of this place looks JUST like the door of the Episcopal church in Beaufort. (At least I think that's the one. An Episcopal church I've seen somewhere around her anyway.)
And pardon me while I shamelessly plug this in both places, but there's a party going on at Casa Mojo today, and I wanted to make sure all the Window Viewers knew about it. I believe you know the guest of honor.
Mary, I love how you've decorated your site for Christmas! And the new badge is charming...I was happy to use it.
Don't the Episcopalians just have it, hands-down, on charming church buildings? But what unusually shaped windows and doors. I'm sure it's traditional, but the shape almost has a modernistic look.
Hi Mary,
I just love the old churches that still have the traditional 'church windows' that I've always loved.
And, a red door!
Nice shots!
Love a red door. And the pretty geometry of both the door and the windows tells me that this was a fine architect who built this church.
Beautiful windows and that door is so special.
I like how the triangular - and diamond - shape is repeated.
And that is too funny that they photoshopped all those wires out - it makes the utility pole look a bit abandonned!
I love the door!!
this church looks a lot like one near me although this church has much more detail
Beautiful red door. I love churches. Do all Episcopal churches have red doors? We have a Presbyterian up the street and it has a beautiful robin blue door.
What a cute church ! looks like made out of sugar !
Loved seeing all these pictures_ and I also love the new badge we have to use! :)
Thanks, Mary, for all the fun memes!
I have mine up now!
This is a beautiful old church. I like the name too, it sort of says 'forgiveness' to me. The shape reminds me of the church of my childhood.
I know how hard and time consuming it is to take power lines out of pictures with photoshop. Make a full pot of coffee, and plan to stay a while!
Thanks for sharing.
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You are right, that's a big photoshop job to remove all those wires! By the way, your header has a great photo, and I love the little snowflakes drifting down, but the words are very hard to read. They are up at the top and too close in color to the background. I use Firefox on the Mac. Thought you'd want to know. Thanks for a great meme!
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