Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Window Views...and doors too! #31

Mausoleum doors at Old Calvary Cemetery, Queens, NY

A mausoleum is an external free-standing building constructed as a monument enclosing the interment space or burial chamber of a deceased person or persons. A monument without the interment is a cenotaph. A mausoleum may be considered a type of tomb or the tomb may be considered to be within the mausoleum. A Christian mausoleum sometimes includes a chapel.

The word derives from the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus (near modern-day Bodrum in Turkey), the grave of King Mausolus, the Persian satrap of Caria, whose large tomb was one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.

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sunnymama said...

Wow! Those are wonderful doors. :)

toby said...

Those are just gorgeous! I'm completely impressed :)

Mojo said...

Hmm... seeing the toga-clad lady on the door I would've guessed "day spa"... maybe "temple"... but "mausoleum"?

Not so much.

Tres cool doors though!

kayerj said...

those doors are absolutely stunning and the sculpture is so graceful.

Robin said...

Beautiful sculpture. I wouldn't have guessed mausoleum either.

Lew said...

Great shots, Mary! Years ago sculpture and art were a major part of final resting places. Only a few palces get this kind of treatment today.

Maria Berg said...

Me too show a women - I love the naked women's body!! MB

Anonymous said...

The doors are magnificent!

Vicki ~ FL said...

Those are gorgeous doors but for a mausoleum. I wouldn't have guessed that if this had been a quiz.

VioletSky said...

I find places like to be so comforting. Amazing doors!

Ingrid said...

There you really did a catch ! they are just beautiful !

Come Away With Me said...

such lovely detail....

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