Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Window Views... and doors too! #29

Here we are at Window Views...and doors too! WELCOME!

This is St. George's Episcopal Church in Flushing, NY.

The top photo is a side view of the church, its side door and windows. The door directly above is in the lobby before you walk down the aisle.

So come on post your windows and doors and visit other posters!



I've always loved the majesty of church windows!

Mojo said...

I went with a similar theme... on a way larger (and non-denominational as far as I know) scale. (Though honestly, I sort of prefer the smaller, more "accessible" sort like this one.)

toby said...

Nice to see you all again! This is a fun meme.

Nadine said...

Looks like a castle! Greetings from Bulgaria!

James said...

Great pictures Mary. Chuches have really cool windows and doors.

Carletta said...

Fabulous architecture!
I like that the inside door mimics the outside door.
I have a very small church windows for you.
Hope you're having a great week!

JunieRose2005 said...

Loved looking at yours!! Mine is not quite so grand!! :)


Anonymous said...

Lovely classic windows and doors in this church.

Lew said...

Beautifully captured, Mary! Old churches have a charm that is missing in a lot of modern architecture.

Leora said...

I love how you have included doors. Maybe next week I'll post a door and some windows - this week I'm doing Sepia Scenes. Only can do so much of your fun memes!

ellen b said...

That's a great church Mary. Love the windows and the doors...

Dianne said...

I love the door!!!
especially the shape and inlay around it

beautiful Mary

Inday said...

Church buildings always have their own holistic design from the outside to the inside.

I like this one.

Gattina said...

Must be a very old church to look so "european" !

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous windows and doors! I love the dark grey stone.

kayerj said...

I love the windows in your header, those flower boxes are gorgeous. The church windows are lovely too. You always find buildings with such architectural interest.

allhorsestuff said...

Great views!!
I love your Sepia Scenes..and hope to partake more often. Thanks for the fun!
Now I find that you are the sponsor of Doors and Windows as well...great fun!
Is it always Wednesdays?

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