Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Window Views and doors too

Align CenterPhotobucket

Grace Episcopal Church in City Island, NY

Notice how the door and the window have the same shape. The stained glass windows also match the door and the other windows.

I love the church's simplicity.

Come on everyone! Join in and show us your post for today/tomorrow! I'll try to get around to a lot of you this week.


sunnymama said...

Wonderful shaped windows and doors. Great shot of a lovely building. :)

toby said...

That is the pointiest door I've ever seen!

Gemma Wiseman said...

Impressive white tower of windows! And I don't think I have ever seen a red door like this on a church!

Anonymous said...

the church has that small town feel to it. it must have been erected when the population was small.

ellen b said...

I like the design of this church, too.

marina said...

A really cute church; I love the shape of the door and the windows.

Lew said...

Our impression of NYC from afar is that of tall buildings and grand churches. It is nice to see that some of the old small churches have survived!

Samantha & Mom said...

Wow!! Those are some cool window and door views!! We just love stained glass!! It has been a long time since we have been here and this weeks pictures were just purrfect for it!!
Your TX furiends,

Anonymous said...

The diamond shaped windows seem different. I don't recall seeing any like that before.

Pat said...

I love the door to this church and the windows are interesting, too.

lv2scpbk said...

What day do you do this meme?

Sara Chapman in Seattle, USA said...

A great find and photo, as always. You do get around, don't you? Such a lovely window/door shot.

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