Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Window Views and doors too

Hi Everybody! It's time for Window Views and doors too!

Art deco apartment building windows, Gun Hill Road, Bronx, N.Y.

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Carolyn Ford said...

You can really tell big city apartment buildings by their windows and fire escapes nearby. This appears to be a rather large building that houses many. Nice captures, Mary.

Anonymous said...

Teach the header pic is so perfect for this site. I love it.

sunnymama said...

Very cool windows! Love the new header picture too. :)

VioletSky said...

Love the new header pics. that pink door is a bit of a shock!

And I adore art deco - the tiles and fancy brickwork make the mundane windows look okay.

Lew said...

They don't make them like that anymore! Great shots and your header is stunning!

Dianne said...

my Nana used to call them artsy fartsy buildings :)

I love them

the doors of Dublin are wonderful Mary, the pale pink especially

Gemma Wiseman said...

Interesting and boldly patterned feature panels between upper and lower windows! Most unusual!

Jientje said...

I love the new header!!

Le Butterfly said...

Love your new header

Louise | Italy said...

I love the Dublin Doors too! Greetings from Italy -- Louise.

Anonymous said...

Great photos, Mary! The fancy brickwork is wonderful.

Anonymous said...

Kewl new colorful header here ... LOVE it ;-)
Hugs and blessings,

Anonymous said...

Keep posting stuff like this i really like it