Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Window Views and doors too!

A simple stained glass window of a house in City Island, Bronx, NY

Join us for this week's Window Views and doors too!

Sign Mr. Linky if you have a post to show us and leave a comment. Don't forget to visit your friends.

**I apologize that Mr. Linky wasn't up for you. I feel terrible...It's up now.


My name is Riet said...

When is Mr lincky going up?

kayerj said...

I love your header today Mary, and the stained glass is gorgeous.

Mojo said...

Senor Linky no esta en la casa? Esta bien...

I'm a resourceful kind

Love the stained glass. Not terribly practical, but it sure is pretty.

Anonymous said...

Where are you Mr. Linky? :)

I am here:
Sweet Suff

toby said...

I'm always a sucker for stained glass - and that one is especially cute! I'll check back to see when the links are working...

podso said...

Beautiful a round window. I'll link up when Mr. Linky arrives!

Nadine said...

Beautiful Christmas decoration on your blog!

Anonymous said...

No Mr Linky. Here is my link:

Robin said...

What a pretty window. I've always wanted to live in a house with a stained glass window, ever since I was a child.

Here's my link for this week:

Window and Wall

Unknown said...

What pretty stained glass! I really must visit City Island one of these days.

Mine is here.

Dianne said...

I'm here ...

I thought I knew how to imbed the link but it's not working

love the window, the colors are wonderful

tapirgal said...

Hi Marty, Is "Windows and Doors" an "any day" event? Thanks!

Jeri ~ said...

Beautiful stained glass -
My window view is at

VioletSky said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
VioletSky said...

I'll try again

Gattina said...

I love stained glass, here it looks a little strange to me because I am not used to wooden houses with stained glass, in Belgium houses are all out of bricks.

Gattina said...

Why don't you try MckLinky ? it's the same and he never lets you down.

Annie Jeffries said...

A very pretty window. I wonder how old it is? The central green is a green spring splash against the winter grey of the building.

Annie Jeffries said...

OMGOSH! I'm first up. How in the word did I manage that? Not complaining. Just totally unexpected. LOL

Lew said...

Nice shot! NYC neighborhoods certainly offer a wide variety of styles of windows and doors.

Happily Retired Gal said...

Beautiful wintry header windows and warm festive holiday views too with the perfect quote ;-)
Hugs and blessings,

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Anonymous said...

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Sara Chapman in Seattle, USA said...

I have a couple of Window shots up this week. Click on the category link (on the left of my blog)to see all of them.

I adore stained glass and wish I had lots.

Inday said...

it's a beautiful window post you have. while am full of mischief.

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