Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Window Views #11

Welcome to Window Views this week! I have a few photos of windows around New York City. I was in the city to meet up with Jan and Bob Prytz a month or so ago, so while we were driving over to pick them up, I took the following random shots:

tenement housing

church window

office window

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sign Mr. Linky, leave a comment and visit other participants.

If you are
new to Window Views let us know and we'll make every effort to visit you!

Next week I'll select a few of your photos to show off on this blog. Go over to Ruby Tuesday to see what I did last week over there.

Click to go to Work of the Poet for an extended greeting!


Happily Retired Gal said...

Each view is compelling ... love the perspectives. My favorite is the one in the middle because of the way you've captured the light ;--)
Hugs and blessings,

Eaton Bennett aka Berenice Albrecht said...

Hi Mary, Your photos are stunning again. I like all the photos, but the church one with the Gothic arches appeals to me very much.

I missed Ruby Tuesday this week, but I do have a windows view up...

Wedding Windows

Anonymous said...

Mary, nice shots, especially the arched church windows. Will have mine up, in a tic. And btw, fantastic new header pic!

ellen b said...

Great assortment of windows Mary! Love that church one! Have a wonderful 4th of July!!

Carletta said...

The church one is my favorite!
I always marvel at the architectural elements I see in your images. I loved the colors at top of the tenement building and the office building is so much better than steel and glass.
This is my first windows post. I combined it with Sepia this week. Hope you don't mind.

Carletta said...

Sorry Mary. I did it again - the second one is my post this week.
I'm not keeping my blogs straight.
Could you delete the first one for me. Again, sorry.

Anonymous said...

Fine selection Mary.

Jan said...

Mary, great choices and a wonderful reminder of our meet-up.

Robin said...

Three very different windows, coming together to form a cohesive city.

Gemma Wiseman said...

Breath-taking collection of window styles there!

Lew said...

Love the varied window architecture you found in the city! We spent a couple of hours passing through NYC last Friday (GW Bridge, Cross Bronx Expressway (misnomer!) and Hutchinson River Parkway. Saw your Whitestone Bridge in the distance.

Byz. said...

Seems I put Mary's Link up as my own.
My new link is up there in Mr. Linky now. Eaton.

MaR said...

Great windows around NY! I guess I find it strange to see pictures of NY without lots of people in them!

My pic is posted.

Le Butterfly said...

Great perspectives - Love your header.

HappyK said...

They are all great shots but I like the first one with the row of brick windows best.

Ingrid said...

I like the first one, it reminds me a roundtrip in Brooklyn.

storyteller said...

They're as lovely as on my first visit! I played a second time this week at Small Reflections ... in an unusual manner ;--)
Hugs and blessings,

Mo and The Purries said...

Great pictures. I think the church window with the angels would make a great Sepia Scene, too!
Mine is another picture of the bell tower that I featured in yesterday's Sepia Scenes, at It's A Blog Eat Blog World

Mo and The Purries said...

On today's Purrchance To Dream, I was playing with more photo-effects in Picnik.
I'd appreciate any feedback.

Samantha & Mom said...

Windows really do make beautiful photographs!! Your are lovely!! Have a nice Thursday!
Your FL furiends,

Glennis said...

Nice selection of interesting windows.